Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Lectio Divina - Joshua 1:8

 Do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth, but meditate on it day and night, so that you are careful to do according to all that is written in it; then you will make your way prosperous, and you will act prudently.

Meditate on it day and night - I don't do that part very much, or very well.  Maybe the "day" part, especially now with using the Lectio Divina approach.  But "night"?  Well, not so much.

And yet, God does bring Scripture to mind throughout the day.  Not continuously, mind you, but often enough that I have come to rely on Him to do so, and expect it from Him.  Not verbatim with chapter & verse, either, but close enough that I can do a quick search and sure enough, there it is!  

It really is wonderful and uplifting to have that happen, to have the Word come into my thoughts at an appropriate time on an appropriate topic depending on what I'm dealing with or thinking about.  Just now, in fact, one of those little verse promptings came to mind: "like apples of gold in a setting of silver is a word fitly spoken".  I have to look up the verse to recall where it's from (turns out it's Proverbs 25:11), but the principle came to mind when contemplating the influence of Scripture on me in any given moment.  I know that it comes from actually reading the whole Bible and then rereading many parts of it over time, but I do wish that I did more of the "meditating on it day and night" part, just the same.

Hm.  Maybe a quick look at a passage just before I turn in for the night... sleep on it!

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