Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Finishing Well

From a conference presentation by Paul Leavenworth, listing the end-of-life characteristics of persons who finish well:

  1. Have a more vibrant relationship with God at the end than when young (Caleb)
  2. Maintain an active learning posture throughout life
  3. Model Christ-like character through the fruit of the Spirit, especially in the hard times
  4. Live life with a growing sense of conviction that the promises of God are real for their lives
  5. Leave behind one or more ultimate contributions or a lasting legacy
  6. Live life with a sense of destiny, making necessary sacrifices to realize this to a significant degree
Barriers to finishing well:
  1. Sexual immorality (Samson)
  2. Misuse of finances (Judas Iscariot)
  3. Abuse of power (King Saul)
  4. Self-centered pride (King Solomon)
  5. Problems with marriage & family (King David)
  6. Allowing ministry to plateau (Gideon)
  7. Emotional wounding & bitterness (Jonah)

Sin always takes us farther than we are willing to go, keeps us there longer than we are willing to stay, costs us more than we are willing to pay. ---- J. Oswald Sanders

"We nibble ourselves lost."  Per Paul Leavenworth, a sheep doesn't set out to get lost and go hang out with the wolves.  Instead, it gets focused on the next clump of grass and the next and the next so that it doesn't lift its head to see where it is versus the flock and the shepherd.  It nibbles itself into a position of separation from the shepherd and the rest of flock.  So it is with us.  We lose intimacy with God and with other believers by focusing on mundane, temporal matters.

Enhancements to finishing well:
  1. Long-term perspective on life & ministry - every decision has long-term consequences
  2. Position yourself to expect periodic times of renewal - over time the power of God will manifest
  3. Practice spiritual disciplines (Foster: disciplines of grace, not of duty)
  4. Have a learning posture - be open to be taught
  5. Develop accountable relationships
  6. Invest in the next generation with mentoring relationships
  7. Order life & ministry in a focused way to honor God's call
Characteristics of focused life:

A focused life is a life dedicated to exclusively carrying out God's unique purposes by identifying the focal issues of life purpose, major role, effective methodologies and ultimate contributions, which allows an increasing prioritization of life's activities around the focal issues, and results in a satisfying life of being and doing.
  1. We can know our life purpose (who we are by God's gifting and how God intends to use us)
  2. We can become comfortable with our gifting and understand our best areas of contribution
  3. We can understand what methods are most effective for us to employ in our role
  4. We can have a legacy to pass God's grace to others, particularly via relationship impact

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